Is the money or time you’re spending at the casino causing problems in your life? Give yourself a break. One tool that many people find useful is self-exclusion.
Self-exclusion is when you voluntarily complete a form which keeps you from entering all casinos in Maine for a specific length of time. A person concerned about their gambling habits may have trouble resisting the attractions inside a casino that can trigger the desire to gamble. Self-exclusion keeps a person from entering into a casino which may reduce the temptation to gamble.
Most people fill out the self-exclusion form right at the casino. If are you worried that going into the casino to self-exclude will tempt you gamble, there are a number of community sites where you can go to fill out the form. Now, AdCare Maine is offering online self-exclusion services. You can self-exclude in 10 or 15 minutes without leaving your home. Get contact information and see where you can go to self-exclude at https://adcareme.org/problem-gambling/