Webinars and videos can be a convenient way to learn more about Problem Gambling. Many are FREE and some offer contact hours.
In-Person trainings can provide an opportunity to ENGAGE, LEARN, and CONNECT with others interested in Problem Gambling.

Scheduled Live Webinars - Maine-Focused!
We’re working to schedule more live webinars. Watch this page for updates.
MCPG Free, On-Demand Self-Paced Learning Modules
Recorded webinars bundled with links and resources. Complete at your own pace and earn a certificate of completion. Click on the title to see more information and begin.
- Guilt and Shame in the Context of Gambling Disorder Treatment
- A Practitioner's Guide on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Gambling Disorder
- The Importance of Digital Media Literacy for Youth
- An Overview and Introduction to Gambling Disorder and Its Treatment
- Gambling and Suicide
- LGBTQ+ & Gambling Disorder: A Cultural Competency Primer
- The Hidden Battle: Problem Gambling Among Veterans
- Gambling, Finances, and Money Matters
- Treating Gambling Disorders in a New Era of Gambling
- Gambling Disorder and Co-occurring Problems
- Perspectives on the Impact of Sports Betting on Mind, Body, and Brain
- Discovering the Synergy Between Alcohol and Drug Prevention and Problem Gambling Prevention
- To the Moon! An Introduction to Cryptocurrency and Related Trends in the Digital World
- Emerging Trends in Gambling and Sports Gambling
- Gambling and the Brain
- The Physical Impact of Gambling Disorder
- Introduction to Gambling, Problem Gambling, and Services in Maine: What You Need to Know, and Why
- Integrating Gambling Disorder Recovery Supports into Recovery Community Centers
- What Parents and Professionals Need to Know: Preventing Internet and Video Game Addiction
- Understanding Generation Z
- Apps, Traps and Roadmaps: The Latest in the Convergence and Strategies in Addressing Gaming & Gambling
- How Prevention, Treatment and Recovery Advocates Can Effectively Work Together to Reduce the Impact of Problem Gambling
- New Strategies in Helping Families and Loved Ones Addressing Problem Gambling
- Gambling as a Co-Occurring Disorder
- Understanding and Integrating Gambling Disorder Recovery Supports into your Community

Additional Recorded Webinars, Videos, & Training Resources
- How Youth Gamble: a Transition from Traditional to Tech
- Keeping Pace with the Changing Tides of Gaming & Gambling
- Comorbidity Issues and Problem Gambling- Webinar Recording
- Effective Screening for Gambling Problems- Webinar Recording & Handouts
- Maryland Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling Training Archieves
- Maryland Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling On-line Training program
- Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling Videos
- Recovery Resources Webinars- CEUs available!
- Iowa Department of Public Health Webinars and Training Resouces
- CCG of NJ Gambling 101 Recordings
Scheduled Webinars-from around the country
Visit these sites to see the latest webinar schedules from other states:

In Person Trainings- Maine focued!
Here are some opportunities for trainings and conferences in Maine.
In Person Trainings are temporarily on hold. Check back for updates.
In Person Trainings- from across the country
Here are some opportunities for trainings and conferences in Maine, New England and Nationally.
Save the date: The National Conference on Gambling Addiction and Responsible Gambling will take place in Washington D.C. on July 26-29, 2023.